Thursday, August 24, 2017


Ken wakes early with the excitement of a man who clearly has a purpose.  He slips out of bed to begin a morning routine worthy of applause.  With his four-legged companion by his side, Ken responds to a calling. Like the previous mornings,  he can be found outside attending to his new loves.  The geraniums, impatiens, begonias and petunias lining our property wait patiently for him.  They thrive with the outpouring of love by their protector and flourish in the arms of his care.  He is a natural in this role and I crown him the title “Plant Whisperer”.  I believe he may have bestowed names on a few plants and favors the ones who have cultivated from the smallest of seedlings.

Ken moves about meticulously – watering & repositioning planters to maximize the sunlight – and shade to those needing a cool, dry space.  He carries them around our property as if challenging each in their new surroundings. His plants respond by standing tall and vibrantly lush in full bloom. No pot, planter or hanging basket is left behind or forgotten in his care.   With the strength of a defender, armed only with a watering pail – Ken seems to whisper the confidences needed for these plants roots to grow strong.  Roots, which are the life source for the beautiful bouquets we behold.   Flowers, which are the outward sign of the plants response to the “whisperer”.

Heed the whisperer of your soul.

Can I be changed - transplanted to the unfamiliar?  
Trusting there will be light and living water?   
 Are my roots deep & faith strong enough to go where I am being lead?   

Heed the whisperer.

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