Sunday, August 14, 2016

Yellow Highlighter

Wouldn’t it be marvelous if we all had a yellow highlighter snuggled in our back pocket that could be used to emphasize what is important in our lives?  Everyone would have the ability to take out his or her highlighter and mark significant moments in time.  A highlighter in hand might help us along our journey to capture the moments we tend to overlook.    

Our family vacation began long before the car was packed and we arrived at our “little beach house” on the Jersey Shore.  It took weeks of planning and attending to the many details that involve a Reilly Summer Adventure.   Everyone’s favorite foods & snacks were purchased.  The trip to the liquor store had us buying fancy bottles of wine, rum, vodka and my favorite whiskey (Jack Daniels) by the cases!  No vacation to the beach would be complete without some games.  I honestly think the older my kid’s get – the more alcoholic beverages and ironically toys are needed for the weeklong getaway.  My suitcase was filled with bathing suits awaiting that perfect accessory - sand between my toes.  The final item to be packed was a newly purchased yellow highlighter. 

Days before our departure I borrowed a book from my youngest daughter, Aileen. Her college coach had recommended each player on her softball team read this book before returning to school.  “Oh Mom, I know you will love it! It’s right up your alley”.  I knew by the very title, The Carpenter, that it was something that would interest me.  It was a story about the greatest success principles of all.   I dove in and began reading this wonderful motivational book!  After only a few pages I began to notice the sentences Aileen had chosen to boldly highlight in yellow. I became aware of how perfectly Aileen had captured the quintessential ideas of each chapter. She had an uncanny skill when using her yellow highlighter to take note of what was at the heart of the matter. 

I needed to take this trick with me as I began our week vacation.  Somehow I would remove and put aside the difficulties surrounding my every step with MS, which are often highlighted.  Next, move past the feelings of being a burden that often cloud my vision. And finally, let go of the fear and uncertainty which can leave me behind and unable to participate.

Armed with this highlighter I see God’s love blessing me in countless ways! Beauty is bolded in my eyes, as I am on the lookout for the goodness He places along my path.  The joy of a good laugh, the indescribable colors at sunset, the ocean breeze against my bronzed skin, and the magic of starry nights all experienced in the arms of those I love.  I am not discouraged by the hard realities associated with my illness, for these are a part of life. Instead, I move head on into the week wielding a mighty weapon. The goodness found in each moment brought into focus - all with the power of a yellow highlighter.

“When you see the good, look for the good, and expect the good.
You find the good and the good finds you.”
The Carpenter by Jon Gordon

The Truth

Unfiltered ~ Unedited The truth crept up on me like the unwanted vine overpowering the roses growing outside my kitchen window.    With unde...